Sunday, October 19, 2008

Your Best Body Ever! Fiber Up People!

Don't starve your self crazy! Bulk up your diet with fiber not your clothes! There are two kinds of fiber soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber hides in the insides of foods such as apples, brown rice and bananas. These fibers bind with liquids to form a gel that makes you feel full and slows digestion letting your body absorb more nutrients. Insoluble fibers are found in the skins and outer parts of foods. These fibers bulk up as they absorb liquid in your stomach. These fibers help to "clean" out or push waste out of your system.

Eating natural foods will allow you to reap the benefits of these fibers. Salba is a great way to receive BOTH benefits and achieve a higher nutrient benefit at the same time!

Try Salba NOW!

1 comment:

email: said...

I love the salba veggie burger idea! Are you still thinking of doing a B&M store? SMILES!