Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dr Oz and Artichoke Extract

In our times of chronic stresses, poor nutrition and bad eating habits, lasting working days and a tendency to end them up in the closest fast food restaurant, many of us have started noticing harmful and destructive effects of this lifestyle on our health. Upset stomach, colic, meteorism, bloating, stomach cramps, indigestion and other more serious digestive problems became a very common health condition, familiar to millions of people around the world, from London to LA, from Oslo to Capetown. According to Doctor Oz, such natural remedy as artichoke extract is highly recommended (along with artichoke tea) for improving the function of our digestive system. Recently, artichoke extract and artichoke tea benefits became a topic of discussion in one of Dr. Oz’s TV show.
Artichoke extract is an excellent natural product received from artichoke plants, which are nowadays being cultivated in many countries of the world. Artichokes are considered to be among the healthiest natural foods as they are known for their high nutrient content. In particular, they can provide our body with a range of vitamins, including A, D, C, E, B1, B2, B6, B9 and K, as well as microelements like zinc, potassium, manganese, phosphorus and others. Artichokes are valued for their high content of dietary fiber. But the most important thing is: artichokes are very rich with flavonoids and other natural antioxidants, which are vital for cancer prevention, slowing down aging processes in our body and protecting us against many harmful effects of the environment.

Artichoke extract can be used to treat various digestive problems including dyspepsia, irritable bowel syndrome symptom, upset stomach and so on. Healing properties of artichoke extract include an important property to stimulate bile flow, which was discussed by Dr. Oz and his colleague, Bryce Wilde, Alternative Health Expert from Toronto Canada. He pointed out that artichoke extract is a great remedy to promote bile release and lower the risks of having many symptoms and discomfort related to problematic digestive system.

As it was mentioned in the show, artichoke extract can be used to lower “bad” LDL cholesterol levels in the blood. Actually, artichokes have a number of heart-protecting benefits which were researched by many scientists around the globe. In particular, a group of specialists in Germany studied the results of administering artichoke extract to a group of volunteers. 143 participants of the experiments were given 1,800 mg of artichoke extract on a daily basis for 6 weeks. It was found out that the level of cholesterol dropped down by an average of 18 percent, and the best results were achieved by those participants who had increased levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol before the experiment.

Other important healing properties of artichoke extract include improving the function of kidneys and liver, relieving abdominal pains, boosting the function of the immune system, lowering the risks of atherosclerosis, making the skin look fresh and healthy, and many more. It is important to note that using artichoke extract is not linked to any unwanted side effects or complications, though in rare cases some allergic reactions are possible. The recommended dose of artichoke extract is 30-40 drops, which should be added to 100-150 ml of water. Or, Dr. Wylde suggests taking this extract by placing the dropper filled with the extract to the back of your tongue. According to the specialist, this is the fastest way to deliver this herbal remedy to your gallbladder and provide fast digestion relieve.

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